I see I have been gone again for several months. After reviewing my previous post I was in an ambulance on my way to the hospital.
Upon arriving at the hospital I was unloaded and wheeled to the ER. I have always wondered why they call it the Emergency Room since it is not one room, but many small rooms within an area of the hospital. As I was wheeled into one of the small rooms in the ER I noticed several homeless people sleeping in chairs or on the floor in the hallways of the ER. Once tucked away in my room I was greeted by a nurse who gathered more information from me and my reason for coming to the ER. I was hooked up to the monitoring equipment and an IV was placed for any needed medication. X-rays were taken of my abdomen and blood drawn for tests to help determine why I was sick.
After awhile a doctor came in to let me know some of the results from the blood tests informing me my white cell count was through the roof and my body was fiercely fighting something. My blood glucose level was also through the roof along with my liver enzymes far from normal. The ER was quite different on this visit compared to my visit five months earlier in 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic had not begun back then and very few doctors and nurses wore masks at that time. This visit the doctor was wearing a mask similar to this one, but I don’t think he had the face shield.
About 15 minutes after my conversation with the doctor, the results from my X-rays came in. A nurse entered my room and asked one simple question without telling me what the X-rays showed. She point blank asked, “Are you a heavy drinker?”
To be continued…