Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Where Have I Been?

 It has been a long long time since I have posted anything to this blog. I unpublished the contents of the blog not long after I finished therapy. Perhaps someday I will republish the contents since all of the text still remains intact on blogger’s server. I still live with the memories tucked away deep within the recesses of my mind so not much time stretches between the early 1970’s up to the present.

Fifteen years goes by quickly! A lot changes in that span of time. Up until 2020 I had been in almost excellent health to some degree. The beginning of 2020 had me blowing a disk out in my lower back requiring surgery so I could walk again. While in the hospital my bladder decided to stop working so I was introduced to my first catheter. Fortunately, after surgery and a couple of drugs my bladder was encouraged to get back to work and the catheter was no longer needed (or wanted.) Once out of the hospital it was off to the convalescence/rehabilitation facility for 30 days to strengthen my back and right leg.

After a little over 3 months I was able to finally return to work for about a month before getting really sick. Not being able to get a call back from my nephew to see if he could take me to the ER, I called 911 for an ambulance. That is when I learned an ambulance ride is an uncomfortable ride! Perhaps it was because I was sick, but it seemed the ambulance didn’t have any shock absorbers and every imperfection in the road was transferred through the body of the ambulance to my gurney and increased in force to make me sit up and take notice even though I was strapped down.

To be continued…